Wednesday, 29 October 2014

SomeOne Live Breif: Finale

For the outcome of the Someone Brief I have learned that innovative ideas are key to impress people that work in industry. Although my idea has all the basis to work and be successful, it can be done and has been done by companies before. I really enjoyed this project as we got to research the charity and rebrand their public perception. I chose to make it fun and interactive so people will have a reason to keep coming back. I appreciated the feedback given by the client at Someone and will introduce it to my future projects.

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

SomeOne Live Brief: Santa's Little Helper: Progression for The Children's Society

SomeOne Live Brief: Santa's Little Helper

David Barnet, helped us come to a decision of what is a feasible idea for charity to do for campaign, spending as little as possible to raise a lot. I went away and thought of trending topics in todays market that affects youths and adults. As the new release of the new iPhone 6 and 6+, the IOS8 update and impeding new iPad launch, I recognised a demographic that spans across all ages, apps. 

I researched app companies such as Game Loft, recorded to have made $321 million in 2014 to see the substantial market and platform that they have. From this information I went about the idea of setting up a Add-On type game that was primarily associated with the charity and most of the proceeds go to the charity.
The hard work would be getting a gaming developer that would let us take on there game and have association with them. 

I did a presentation to my tutors and peers and presented the idea of a simple level based game that would reward you as you get to each level. At the end of the game, having been given small snippets of information about the charity each level, they have the chance to donate via the app. 
I also had the idea of having the app be purchased by the gamer, but it was suggested that it just be an automatic update instead.

I went for the theme of Christmas, mostly because it is approaching and it's proven that people are more like to feel family oriented, and more willing to be generous around that holiday season. I called my campaign 'Presents for Vulnerable Children at Christmas' but the game will be called "Santa's Little Helper". 

i went away and did research on what game i could use as a platform for my demonstration for the idea. I found that Angry Birds was a popular choice, but it would be too hard to connect between their current theme and The Children's Society. I racked my brain, searched top charting apps, and found a game called 'Doodle Jump'.

The layout is very simple and easy to imprint a theme onto. I loved the character because it's all alone completing this never ending mission by itself. It's extremely sweet and is childlike. The game is level based and comes with a lot of skins, which are themed (halloween, easter, space aliens etc). 
So i mocked up a few Christmas theme ideas, and ended up with the idea of the point of the game is to collect as many presents for the children. 

I wanted to add the feature that you could find out more about the charity and the 'game over' phase too. For the donations part, I added a coin system which the user could select how much to donate.

Upon feedback, i was told the page was too busy and people were most like not willing to read that. So, i'll be changing that with less information and leave that to the information between levels.

Monday, 20 October 2014

SomeOne Live Brief for The Childrens Society

We visited SomeOne agency and they set us a live brief to either Re-Brand, create an Ad Campaign or create a Viral Campaign for a UK based charity, The Children's Society.

I went away and did extensive research on the company, trying to find out there mission and what their message is. They work to stop children feeling abandoned, excluded or isolated. Also, directly improve lives of children by on going schemes. Promote forward thinking and government legislation to be improved and create new laws. Their motto is "All Children Deserve a Childhood".

They work with a range of cases from abuse (mental and physical), refugees, disabled children, youth carers, runaways and vulnerable youth in the UK. The charity clearly shows on their website a timeline of the things they have achieved and that they have been doing so for over 100 years. 

I looked into some of their past campaigns to get a feel for the style they usually like to work in, or maybe to see if they haven't try something that is successful nowadays. 

  • Out Cry! - Bali for Immigration: Campaign for Immigration detention of kids.
  • Hundreds of Thousands of Childhood Memories: collecting childhood memories and putting them on a social platform form for others to enjoy (mostly for company exposure)
  • Safe and Sound: Support the vulnerable youth that are in any type of danger, on the street, criminal activity or at home.
  • Games Up: to help prevent and help those in prostitution.

The charity have increased their fundraising by 6% between 2009-2010 to £42.4m, which was implemented whilst the new design was configured. I researched where the money that was raised in 2013 came from and the highest amount at £25.4m was from donations, legacies and grants. 

Knowing this, I wanted to focus directly on charitable donations from people.